4ème: New Year’s resolutions

Here are the worksheets I gave you on Adrian Mole and Bart Simpson’s good resolutions. 




4ème – GRAMMAR: Les deux présents / l’expression du goût / les adverbes de fréquence

Here are the grammar worksheets I gave you in class: 


6ème – U2L1: Typical British school subjects

Here is the worksheet I gave you in class 



+ a mind map about school subjects to be completed


6ème – Grammar: Articles indéfinis / Have got / Adjectif qualificatif épithète

Here is the grammar worksheet + the exercices I gave you in class:


Two more illustrated grammar worksheets on ‘Have got’ here:


6ème – U1L1 – Emily and Tom’s uniforms

Listen again to Emily and Tom!

Lazare Chinese portrait

And here is the worksheet I gave you in class: 


6ème – Discover British schools (Shonny)

Here is the worksheet I gave you in class. 




6ème – Unit 2 – Re-cycle: school things vocab

Tu trouveras ci-dessous la fiche de vocabulaire sur le matériel scolaire. 


6ème – Listening Comprehension: In class

Ecoute à nouveau Peter, Dory et leurs professeurs! 

Lazare Chinese portraitLazare Chinese portrait


4ème – Jayk Pound – British stereotypes

Here is the video we watched in class. You met Jayk Pound, a very famous British blogger and youtuber! Listen to him talking about British clichés again! 

Watch more funny funny on stereotypes here! 

6ème – Days, months and seasons

Petit fiche pour réviser les jours, les mois et les saisons et apprendre à s’exprimer en anglais sur son jour ou sa saison préférée!


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